You have no idea how excited I am that you're here! DoodleRae Lettering has been a project in the making for 7+ years and your support means the world to me.
I started out wanting to learn how to handletter and that has morphed into learning to paint and create with many different mediums. I'm excited to see where the Good Lord brings this place to as I step out and trust where He leads.
The name DoodleRae is a combination of my daughter's nickname from when she was little, and her middle name. When she was just a tiny little baby I began calling her Maggie Doodle. So, DoodleRae Lettering was born.
Take a stroll through this little Frank gallery below- Frank is also the inspo for the the little monkey in my logo :) He was Maggie's absolute favorite from the time she was six months old.
And once again, thank you so much for being here and for our supporting us!